Crack Fingers Like Kaneki

A man in a bar cracks his fingers before a fight. A pianist cracks his fingers before playing, but why in the world does Kaneki do this? In the start, it felt more like a symbolic gesture, but as I looked deeper, I feel Kaneki cracking his finger is more than just a symbolic attribute.

  • Jason/kaneki finger crack. Can anyone else crack they’re knuckles with just one hand like Jason and kaneki? I’ve been trying for days but I gotta use two hands.
  • Mimicking behavior is a pretty normal thing. Kaneki probably just picked it up from watching Jason, not as a natural consequence of being tortured. Didn't the cochlea interrogator also crack his fingers like that, before Jason? So some readers were bound to pick it up too. Especially if they already had a habit of cracking fingers, to begin with.
  • Kaneki Ken from Tokyo Ghoul Commission for a buddy of mine. Had alot of fun drawing this one because it was super tricky and even frusterating at times trying to get all the proportions correct expecially with his messed up double jointed looking fingers ect. I can say it definatly was a challenge but an enjoyable one. But i hope you all enjoy this as much as my buddy nick 'the commissone'.

It’s more like he wants to convey something. Hence I started investing it and here’s my theory.

The cracking of fingers symbolizes two things, the abuse and abused, i.e the victim. Jason behaved in a psychotic way, not because he was born with illness but because he was tortured by a violent investigator. The cracking of fingers is a portrayal of strength and dominance in a fight.

Why does kaneki crack his finger? Short Answer: They obviously do it to show how badass strong they are. Kaneki is the easy one, he’s a habit mimic. He cracks his fingers like Yamori, says “Nee” like Rize, and touches his chin like his mother. How old is kaneki? Who is Ken Kaneki?

In chapter number sixty one, page fourteen if my memory serves me right, Jason was speaking to himself- “I’m not Yamori, I’m the investigator meeting the torture.

Kaneki Knuckle Crack

I convinced myself”. The self suggestion gives Jason the strength and mentality to resist the sadist by becoming a sadist himself.

How To Crack Your Fingers Like Kaneki Ken


The same goes for Kaneki as well, as in his mind Yamori’s idealogy of the weak get trampled are strong. To add to that, is Rize’s inner voice which plays in his head every second.

That’s the reason Kaneki sub consciously picked up Yamori’s habit of cracking fingers. It’s the symbolism for “I’m strong”

Kaneki Crack


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