ROMs » Nintendo Entertainment System
- Get 150 best NES game roms just in 1 click away! 150 NES games in this zip file were collected based on a list of 100 best NES games of all time that have been reviewed by IGN site and also with an additional 50 of my favorite NES games inside. Classic Nes Rom Pack. CPS1 PACK: 31 ROMS – Size: 69.4 MB – List of games Included MEGA.
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- You can use 3639 emulator to play all your favorite games compatible with it. 3639’s list includes popular ROMs games, such as Super Star Wars - Empire Strikes Back, Super Strike Eagle, Tiny Toons - Wild And Wacky Sports (V1.1), Shin Kidoesenki Gundam Wing - Endless Duel, GP-1, BS Dr. Mario, WWF Wrestlemania Arcade, and lots of others.
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Nes Game Roms Zip
Wheel of Fortune (USA) |
Contra (USA) |
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (USA) |
Mega Man (USA) |
Mega Man 2 (USA) |
Castlevania (USA) |
Tetris (USA) |
Battletoads (USA) |
Final Fantasy (USA) |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (USA) |
Top Rated
Shadowgate (USA) |
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (USA) (Rev A) |
Wizardry - Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord (Japan) |
Herakles no Eikou - Toujin Makyou Den (Japan) |
Rockman 6 - Shijou Saidai no Tatakai!! (Japan) |
Startropics (USA) |
Ice Climber (USA, Europe) |
Earthbound (USA) (Proto) |
Ice Climber (Japan) |
Excitebike (Europe) |
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Nintendo / NES Information
Nintendo Entertainment System, or also well-known throughout the world as the NES – the most popular game system of 80-90s, which became the best-selling of all time gaming console – 60 million units have been sold for the entire period of the life of the device. NES was first released in 1983 in Japan, under the name of the Famicom. In United States people were able to get the device since 1985, and a year later were able to buy a console people of Europe.

A lot of popularity were brought to Nintendo console because of the games developed for it. And there are lots of them. In particular, the best-selling Super Mario Bros; the main character of the game has become an official symbol of the company. NES was famous not only by games, but also by its technology of switching cartridges that didn’t make any difficulties for the user. Also console could provide a decent at that time level of graphics and sound. Throughout its history, the console failed many times but often revived by creating improved clones.
It is noteworthy that the NES console had a lot of clones, many of which were unlicensed. Nintendo Company allowed to clone their system only for authorized manufacturers who follow the license agreement. However, due to unlicensed versions it often had to sue counterfeiters-companies. However, the original NES is more credible and reliable than the clones, so the popularity of consoles had incredible success until 2003.
NES is the legend on the podium of gaming consoles. If you didn’t have a chance to play games on Nintendo, do not worry, you can catch up even if you don’t own a console. With the help of emulator software, you can easily play any old school games on your computer, tablet or smartphone with android or iOS. Nintendo roms games and emulator are available for free download.
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