Enhance your technical skills and jump-start your career.
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All Golden Software programs can be purchased annually at a deeply discounted rate for active students. Set yourself up for success as you learn valuable, in-demand skills that will help you tackle your coursework and impress your future employer.
Three simple steps to get your student license.
- Email us from your university-issued email account.
- Let us know which product(s) you would like to purchase.
- Include documentation that proves your current enrollment. Must include your name and date range.
We'll send you a coupon code to purchase the requested product(s).
Software Programs Available with the Student License
2D & 3D mapping, modeling, and analysis software for scientists and engineers.
2D & 3D graphing, plotting, and analysis software for anyone needing publication-ready graphs & plots.
Geotechnical and geoenvironmental mapping, modeling, and analysis software.

3D geologic and scientific modeling software
Golden Software Surfer 11 Free Download

Unlimited access to all Surfer features for two weeks
Sample files within the program so you can see how others in your specific industry and role have modeled their data
Assistance from our intelligent and helpful technical support team to answer all of your questions
Golden Software Surfer 11 Free Download

Upon completing the form above, you will be provided a link to download the trial EXE.
You have two (2) weeks of unlimited access to the trial.
Yes, the trial can be activated to become the full version. Once you complete your purchase, you can unlock the full version with the product key which will be emailed to you.
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