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The program adjusts with your Amazon record to download any digital books you’ve just purchased. When you’ve downloaded a book to your cell phone, you can utilize notes and virtual bookmarks, just as customize the text dimension and number of words-per-line to make your perusing background as pleasant as could be allowed. Kindle for PC 1.17.1 Build 44183 Released: 22nd Sep 2016 (4 years ago) Kindle for PC 1.17.0 Build 44170 Released: 26th Aug 2016 (4 years ago) Kindle for PC 1.16.0 Build. Note again: For this to work.

Get YouTube without the ads. Kindle File Serial Generator Socl Wong. Unsubscribe from Socl Wong? How To Remove DRM From Kindle eBooks Using Calibre (100%. Follow along as we show you how to liberate your Kindle books. Enter the serial number of your Kindle into the DeDRM removal plugin. Now, Calibre will import any ebook file (DRM-laden or DRM-free) without a hiccup.
The Kindle for PC and Kindle for Mac programs use Amazon's KFX format for most books. Each book will appear in a separate subdirectory of the 'My Kindle Content' folder with a file extension of '.azw'. Download Kindle for Mac - A simple but good looking app that offers you a smart set of tools in order to enhance your reading experience as well as, a big library from which you can choose the eBook you like.
Overview What's this repository all about?Providing free open source tools to remove DRM from your ebooks. What's DRM?DRM ('Digital Rights Management') is a way of using encryption to tie the books you've bought to a specific device or to a particular piece of software. Why would I want to remove DRM from my ebooks?When your ebooks have DRM you are unable to convert the ebook from one format to another (e.g. Kindle KF8 to Kobo ePub), so you are restricted in the range of ebook stores you can use.
DRM also allows publishers to restrict what you can do with the ebook you've bought, e.g. Preventing the use of text-to-speech software.
Longer term, you can never be sure that you'll be able to come back and re-read your ebooks if they have DRM, even if you save back-up copies. So how can I remove DRM from my ebooks?Just download and use these tools, that's all! There are a few, uh, provisos, a, a couple of quid pro quos. The tools don't work on all ebooks. For example, they don't work on any ebooks from Apple's iBooks store. You must own the ebook - the tools won't work on library ebooks or rented ebooks or books from a friend. You must not use these tools to give your ebooks to a hundred of your closest friends.
Scotland's Biffy Clyro had been linked to the sportswear punk of blink-182, Green Day, and Sum 41 and were championed for sounding more raw and less obvious than any of their contemporaries. But while their debut, 2002's Blackened Sky, hunched over with a gray, very American anger, it also lacked the ideas or abnormal structures of favorites Fugazi and Mudhoney. A selection of rare Biffy Clyro demos recorded from 1996-1998. Some of these made it to Blackened Sky, while some were released as B-Sides and others were lost in time. Blackened Sky is the debut studio album by Scottish rock band Biffy Clyro. Largely produced with the band by Chris Sheldon, it was released by Beggars Banquet Records on 10 March 2002. The album reached number 78 on the UK Albums Chart, and spawned four singles. Sign in to like videos, comment, and subscribe. Watch Queue Queue. Blackened sky biffy clyro rarest. 'Whatever album you discover a band on is the one you will always hold dearest, and we’ve definitely got some old school fans who’ve seen us playing to nobody.
Or to a million strangers. Authors need to sell books to be able to write more books. Don't be mean to the authors. Do NOT use Adobe Digital Editions 3.0 or later to download your ePubs.
ADE 3.0 and later might use a new encryption scheme that the tools can't handle. While major ebook stores aren't using the new scheme yet, using ADE 2.0.1 will ensure that your ebooks are downloaded using the old scheme. Sprint spc calculator download free. Once a book has been downloaded with the new scheme, it's IMPOSSIBLE to re-download using the old scheme (without buying it again). Do NOT use Kindle for PC/Mac version 1.25 or later. The tools don't current work with those versions.But otherwise, if your ebook is from Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble or any of the ebook stores selling ebooks compatible with Adobe Digital Editions 2.0.1, you should be able to remove the DRM that's been applied to your ebooks.
A Recent Change to Kindle for PC/Kindle for MacStarting with version 1.19, Kindle for PC/Mac uses Amazon's new KFX format which isn't quite as good a source for conversion to ePub as the older KF8 (& MOBI) formats. There are two options to get the older formats. Either stick with version 1.17 or earlier, or modify the executable by changing a file name (PC) or disabling a component of the application (Mac). Note that with Kindle for PC 1.25 and later, there is no current solution even for KFX. You must use 1.24 or earlier. With Kindle for Mac 1.25 and later, see instructions in.
(Note: macOS Catalina can only run 64-bit apps, which means Kindle for Mac 1.25 and later. Earlier versions of Kindle for Mac are 32-bit and will not run on Catalina. If you are planning to upgrade to Catalina, carefully first.)Version 1.17 of Kindle is no longer available directly from Amazon, so you will need to search for the proper file name and find it on a third party site. The name is KindleForPC-installer-1.17.44170.exe for PC and KindleForMac-44182.dmg for Mac.Verify the one of the following cryptographic hash values, using software of your choice, before installing the downloaded file in order to avoid viruses. If the hash does not match, delete the downloaded file and try again from another site. Kindle for PC KindleForPC-installer-1.17.44170.exe:. MD-5: 53F793B5AA47D7DE099869.
SHA-1: 73C404D719F0DD8D4AE1C2C96612B095D6C86255. SHA-256: 14E0F0053F1276C0C7C446892DC170344F707FBFE99B695176 2C00Kindle for Mac KindleForMac-44182.dmg:. MD-5: E7E36D5369E1F3CF1D28E5D9115DF15F. SHA-1: 7AB9A86B954CB23D622BD79E3257F8E2182D791C. SHA-256: 28DC21246A9C7CDEDD2D6F0F4082E6BF7EF9DB9CE9D485548E 8A9E1D19EAE2AC.You will need to go to the preferences and uncheck the auto update checkbox. Then download and install 1.17 over the top of the 1.19 installation. You'll also need to delete the KFX folders from your My Kindle Content folder.Another possible solution is to use 1.19 or later, but disable KFX by renaming or disabling a necessary component of the application.
This may or may not work on versions after 1.20. In a command window, enter the following commands when Kindle for PC/Mac is not running: Windowsren%localappdata%AmazonKindleapplicationrenderer-test.exe renderer-test.xxxPC Note: The renderer-test program may be in a different location in some Kindle for PC installations. If the rename command fails look in other folders, such as C:Program FilesAmazonKindle.
Macintoshchmod -x /Applications/Kindle.app/Contents/MacOS/renderer-testMac Note: If the chmod command fails with a permission error try again using sudo before chmod - sudo chmod.After restarting the Kindle program any books previously downloaded in KFX format will no longer open. You will need to remove them from your device and re-download them. All future downloads will use the older Kindle formats instead of KFX although they will continue to be placed in one individual subdirectory per book. Decrypting KFXThanks to work by several people, the tools can now decrypt KFX format ebooks from Kindle for PC. In addition to the DeDRM plugin, calibre users will also need to install jhowell's KFX Input plugin which is available through the standard plugin menu in calibre, or directly from on Mobileread.
Note that KFX decryption does not work for Kindle for PC/Mac 1.25 and later. ThanksThanks to jhowell for his investigations into KFX format and the KFX Input plugin. Some of these instructions are from at MobileRead. Where can I get the latest version of these free DRM removal tools?Right here at github.
Just go to the and download the latest zip archive of the tools, named DeDRMtoolsX.X.X.zip, where X.X.X is the version number. You do not need to download the source code archive. I've downloaded the tools archive. Now what?First, unzip the archive. You should now have a DeDRM folder containing several other folders and a ReadMeFirst.txt file. Please read the ReadMeFirst.txt file!
That will explain what the folders are, and you'll be able to work out which of the tools you need. That's a big complicated ReadMe file! Isn't there a quick guide?Install calibre. Install the DeDRMplugin in calibre. Install the Obokplugin in calibre.
Restart calibre. In the DeDRMplugin customisation dialog add in any E-Ink Kindle serial numbers and your B&N account email address and password. Remember that the plugin only tries to remove DRM when ebooks are imported. Installing the Tools The calibre plugin I am trying to install the calibre plugin, but calibre says 'ERROR: Unhandled exception: InvalidPlugin: The plugin in u’pathDeDRMtools6.5.3.zip’ is invalid. It does not contain a top-level init.py file'You are trying to add the tools archive (e.g. DeDRMtools6.5.3.zip) instead of the plugin. The tools archive is not the plugin.
It is a collection of DRM removal tools which includes the plugin. You must unzip the archive, and install the calibre plugin DeDRMplugin.zip from a folder called DeDRMcalibreplugin in the unzipped archive.
I’ve unzipped the tools archive, but I can’t find the calibre plugin when I try to add them to calibre. I use Windows.You should select the zip file that is in the DeDRMcalibreplugin folder, not any files inside the plugin’s zip archive. Make sure you are selecting from the folder that you created when you unzipped the tools archive and not selecting a file inside the still-zipped tools archive.(The problem is that Windows will allow apps to browse inside zip archives without needing to unzip them first. If there are zip archives inside the main zip archives, Windows will show them as unzipped as well. So what happens is people will unzip the DeDRMtoolsX.X.X.zip to a folder, but when using calibre they will actually navigate to the still zipped file by mistake and cannot tell they have done so because they do not have file extensions showing. So to the unwary Windows user, it appears that the zip archive was unzipped and that everything inside it was unzipped as well so there is no way to install the plugins.We strongly recommend renaming the DeDRMtoolsX.X.X.zip archive (after extracting its contents) to DeDRMtoolsX.X.Xarchive.zip. If you do that, you are less likely to navigate to the wrong location from inside calibre.) The Windows Application I've installed ActiveState Python and PyCrypto, but the Windows application won't run.
What have I done wrong?Nothing. There's a bug in the some older ActiveState Python Windows installers that puts the Tcl code in the wrong place. Just move the Tcl code to the correct place manually and the Windows app should run. The Macintosh Application I can't open the Macintosh Application. Some message about it not being signed or something.Try right-clicking and select open. That might give you the option to open it anyway. Otherwise you'll need to change your security settings to allow unsigned applications to run.
You can probably change these back after running it for the first time. I can't open the Macintosh Application at all. I get 'The aplication 'DeDRM' can't be opened'Some unzip applications do not respect the execution bit setting. Try unzipping the main tools archive using the built-in Mac unzip utility.Alternatively, sometimes the execution bit isn't set correctly in the archive. If you put the extracted DeDRM application in your Applications folder, you can set the executable bit on the 'droplet' file from the terminal using the command chmod +x /Applications/DeDRM.app/Contents/MacOS/droplet I can't open the Macintosh Application at all. I get 'spawnvialaunchd failed, errno=111'There seems to be a bug in Apple's launch services.
Try using the free from Titanium Software to clear the launch cache and database. The application opens, but always gives an error in the log 'ImportError: No module named Crypto.Cipher'Some version of MacOS don't include PyCrpto. You'll need to install it manually.
Kindle DRM Removal Crack: is a powerful and easy-to-use software designed to help you remove DRM protection from your Kindle eBook and make it easy to convert files to EPUB, PDF or TXT format.With Kindle DRM Removal Full Version, you can work on individual files or entire batches of documents. Therefore, you can select a file or an entire folder. The process should complete in seconds, but this depends on the number of documents in the queue. New eBooks are saved in the application-defined default folder, which is your Documents directory. Kindle DRM Removal 2019 generates a new AZW file that users can convert using Calibre and make the file easy to print.
To save Lifehacker: The Guide to Working Smarter, Faster, and Better (3rd Revised edition) PDF, you should refer to the link listed below and download the ebook or gain access to additional information which are related to LIFEHACKER: THE GUIDE TO WORKING SMARTER, FASTER, AND BETTER (3RD REVISED EDITION) ebook. John Wiley & Sons Inc. From the kindle, choose a book that interests you and download it. I recommend the 1 page version. One the file has downloaded to your Kindle, select “Docs” to read it. That just about covers everything you need to know about how to download books to Kindle Fire. If you need additional help, feel free to leave a comment below. The E-Ink versions of the Kindle are remarkably limited in their capabilities beyond actually reading a book (they do have Web browsers, but good luck actually using one for anything beyond the simplest of pages), but the Kindle Fire has an entirely acceptable Web browser and touch interface.
Starting with version 1.19 for most books Kindle for PC and Kindle for Mac use the new KFX format, which is incompatible with calibre. These books will appear in a subdirectory of the 'My Kindle Content' folder, will import into calibre as 'AZW' format, and will fail to convert with the error: 'KFXError: This is an Amazon KFX book.
It cannot be processed.' The following descriptions apply both to Kindle for PC and Kindle for Mac unless one mentioned explicitly. Method 1 - Revert to an older version of Kindle for PC/Mac At the moment Kindle version 1.17 can still be installed to work around this problem. I suggest following steps:. Launch Kindle and under the menu choice 'Tools', 'Options', 'General', uncheck 'Automatically install updates when they are available without asking me.' (Note: This option is not available in Kindle for Mac version 1.20.2.). Exit the Kindle program.
Delete the contents of the 'My Kindle Content' folder within your 'Documents' folder. Download version 1.17 of Kindle. These files are no longer available directly from Amazon, so you will need to search for the proper file name and find it on a third party site. The name is 'KindleForPC-installer-1.17.44170.exe' for PC and 'KindleForMac-44182.dmg' for Mac. Verify the one of the following cryptographic hash values, using software of your choice, before installing the downloaded file in order to avoid viruses.
If the hash does not match, delete the downloaded file and try again from another site. Kindle for PC: MD-5: 53F793B5AA47D7DE099869 SHA-1: 73C404D719F0DD8D4AE1C2C96612B095D6C86255 SHA-256: 14E0F0053F1276C0C7C446892DC170344F707FBFE99B695176 2C00 Kindle for Mac: MD-5: E7E36D5369E1F3CF1D28E5D9115DF15F SHA-1: 7AB9A86B954CB23D622BD79E3257F8E2182D791C SHA-256: 28DC21246A9C7CDEDD2D6F0F4082E6BF7EF9DB9CE9D485548E 8A9E1D19EAE2AC.
Install the downloaded version 1.17 software. Launch it and check that the option to automatically install updates is still turned off. Kindle may need to be registered by signing in to your Amazon account within the program. Some users have reported being unable to sign in to their Amazon account within Kindle for PC once version 1.17 is reinstalled. If that occurs go to the Amazon website and on the manage your content and devices page, and on the tab locate 'Kindle for PC' (or Mac) and deregister it using the '.'
'Actions' menu. Wait a few minutes for it to take affect and try to sign in again. (If all else fails then re-install and register again and start over with step 1.).
If asked if you want to update to the new version always reject it. ('Skip' the update.). Re-download your books and import into calibre as before. Method 2 - Disable KFX support in Kindle for PC/Mac As an alternative, a method is available to prevent versions 1.19 through 1.24 from making use of KFX format. This method will not work with version 1.25 or newer.
Exit the Kindle program. Open a command window (PC) or terminal window (Mac). Cut and paste the appropriate command for your operating system to disable the renderer-test program. Code: chmod -x /Applications/Kindle.app/Contents/MacOS/renderer-testThis prevents the renderer-test program from executing, blocking the use of KFX. PC Note: The renderer-test program may be in a different location in some Kindle for PC installations.
If the rename command fails look in other folders, such as C: Program Files Amazon Kindle. Mac Note: If the chmod command fails with a permission error try again using sudo. After restarting the Kindle program any books previously downloaded in KFX format will no longer open.
You will need to remove them from your device and re-download them. All future downloads will use the older Kindle formats instead of KFX although they will continue to be placed in one individual subdirectory per book. Method 3 - Use an e-ink Kindle instead If you have an e-ink Kindle device registered to your Amazon account you have the option of downloading books directly from Amazon instead of using Kindle for PC/Mac. From the Amazon website access 'Account & Lists' - 'Manage Your Content and Devices'.
Find a book you want to import into calibre and press the '.' Button in the 'Actions' column for that book. In the menu that pops up choose 'Download & transfer via USB'. Then select the name of your registered kindle device in the drop down menu and press the 'Download' button. Import the downloaded file into calibre as you would a file from Kindle for PC.
You will need to select the proper folder containing the downloaded file. (This folder will be different from the 'My Kindle Content' folder used by Kindle for PC.).
Users of the DRM Tools should refer to Apprentice Alf's Blog for information on the configuration required to support books downloaded for an e-ink Kindle. In addition, the owners of older e-ink Kindles running firmware prior to 5.6.5 (August 2015) can access books in non-KFX formats directly from the device via USB.
Method 4 - Convert from KFX to other formats It now possible to convert books from KFX to other formats in calibre by installing the optional. Due to a change in DRM this will no longer work with Kindle for PC/Mac version 1.25 or newer and will likely not work with Kindle firmware after version 5.10.X. Methods 2 and 4 above will not work with Kindle for PC/Mac version 1.25 and later. The last workable versions can still be downloaded directly from Amazon using these links.
To: jhowell Thank you, thank you, thank you for this information. I was ready to give up on my free books from Amazon for the future since I got 'improved' version of KindleforPC automatically today. Your directions for uninstalling and re-installing KindleforPC are excellent and worked great for me. One thing I'd like to add. I had downloaded my books once this morning right after the upgrade installed. Then when I tried to download them with the older version of KindleforPC. I found that I needed to go to Amazon and in manage my content, set the books up for delivery again.
Once I did that, presto, chango everything was back to normal. Thanks again for the timely help.
You are amazing. Starting with version 1.19, Kindle for PC (and Kindle for Mac) often uses the new KFX format, which is incompatible with calibre.
These books will appear in a subdirectory of the 'My Kindle Content' folder, will import into calibre as 'AZW' format, and will fail to convert with the error: 'KFXError: This is an Amazon KFX book. It cannot be processed.'
At the moment Kindle for PC version 1.17 is still available from Amazon and can be installed to work around this problem. I suggest following steps:. Launch Kindle for PC 1.19 and under the menu choice 'Tools', 'Options', 'General', uncheck 'Automatically install updates when they are available without asking me.'
. Exit Kindle for PC and uninstall it. Delete the contents of the 'My Kindle Content' folder within your 'Documents' folder. Download version 1.17 of Kindle for PC. It is safest to use the link to download it directly from Amazon, instead of going to a third party site. Install the downloaded Kindle for PC version 1.17. Launch it and check that the option to automatically install updates is still turned off.
If asked if you want to update to the new version always reject it. Re-download your books and import into calibre as before. If you have an e-ink Kindle device registered to your Amazon account you have the option of downloading books directly from Amazon instead of using Kindle for PC. From the Amazon website access 'Account & Lists' - 'Manage Your Content and Devices'. Find a book you want to import into calibre and press the '.' Button in the 'Actions' column for that book.
In the menu that pops up choose 'Download & transfer via USB'. Then select the name of your registered kindle device in the drop down menu and press the 'Download' button. Import the downloaded file into calibre as you would a file from Kindle for PC. You will need to select the proper folder containing the downloaded file. (This folder will be different from the 'My Kindle Content' folder used by Kindle for PC.) Note: Users of the DRM Tools should refer to Apprentice Alf's Blog for information on the configuration required to support books downloaded for an e-ink Kindle. This has worked well for me thanks. (copied from another thread) Check the Help/About menu to see what version of Kindle for PC you have.
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Anything before 1.19 doesn't support KFX. If you are using an older version then you probably have updates disabled since Amazon is aggressively pushing the new version to be automatically installed. If you do have 1.19 or newer there are still some circumstances where books may be present in the older MOBI/KF8 formats supported by calibre. Any books sent to the app before it was updated to 1.19 will still be in the older formats. You can identify these books because they will be.azw files in the My Kindle Content directory.
Books delivered after the app is updated to 1.19 are placed into subdirectories of My Kindle Content. Some of these will be in KFX format and some will be in the older formats. You can detect KFX because there will be a file with a name beginning with amzn1.drm-voucher.v1 in the same subdirectory. There are several reasons that a book might still delivered to Kindle for PC 1.19 in an older format. First, books that do not have Enhanced Typesetting listed on their product page are not delivered in KFX format.
(There can be exceptions for fixed layout books.) Second, it may be a book you purchased a while ago. Amazon locks you in to the version of the book that is current at the time you purchase it. If that version of the book did not support enhanced typesetting, but the product page for the book now shows that it does, you might or might not receive it in KFX format. Also, KFX format is a moving target.
New features are being continuously added to the format and some devices/apps do not support all of the optional features. If a book contains KFX features that a particular device/app does not support then MOBI/KF8 is delivered instead. I have found through testing that Kindle for PC 1.19 doesn't support all of the latest KFX features and so some books are excluded from being delivered in KFX to that app. Finally, there may be other factors of which I am unaware. I'm not sure if Kindle for Mac 1.19 does download as KFX. I just tried on a new user account, and all the books I tried came down in the old formats. (But inside folders in My Kindle Content) Oh - but I didn't check for 'Enhanced Typesetting' on the book pages at Amazon!
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Is it that only 'Enhanced Typesetting' books comes down as KFX? Perhaps Amazon is not (yet) delivering KFX to Kindle for Mac 1.19 for some reason. I do not have a Mac so I haven't tested it myself.
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Looking at the installer for Kindle for Mac 1.19.1 it does have support for KFX in a file that appears to be installed to: /Applications/Kindle.app/Contents/Frameworks/libKRFDynamic.dylib See my previous post for some conditions under which KFX will not be delivered, including non-Enhanced Typesetting. I just followed these steps of removing the newer Kindle for PC app, installing the old, etc. My 'classics' which are public domain convert from AWZ to EPUB just fine, but books I bought recently (Tim Ferriss, Tools of Titans, for example) give me the DRM error in Calibre. I don't have any branded devices, just a Windows 10 Phone (Lumia 930) and a Surface Pro 4. Amazon killed off their app, so now I'm stuck with unreadable books except for the clunky PC version of Kindle. Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong?
I'm brand new to Calibre and this whole EPUB & DRM thing.
By. 11:30 am, March 25, 2014. Advertisement Next time you are traveling somewhere or commuting your way to work, look around you. It’s evident that the number of book lovers who have taken to reading on a digital format has risen significantly over the years.
In 2011 and 2012, Amazon said it sold 105 books for its Kindle e-reader for every 100 hardcover and paperback books, excluding free eBooks. Though it has become apparent in recent years that there is a slight fall in the (particularly so in 2013), eBooks are still far too compelling to die out, and today we tend to use more than one medium to consume the same thing. So next time you’re hesitating to pull out your Kindle or iPad mini on the bus or train due to the watchful eyes of a “book snob,” just remember that it’s not possible to please everyone, and that there are still thousands of benefits to the electronic book format. The iPad has arguably become one of the leading eBook reading platforms, and the App Store is overflowing with apps that all promise a great reading experience. In 2011, to the disappointment of book lovers far and wide, beloved ebook reader Stanza met its demise, leaving a huge gaping hole in the market for the next best thing. What did Stanza have that set the standard for most reading apps today? First off, it had many features that the competition lacked, including a wide range of supported formats, excellent formatting options, and a swipe-to-dim feature that makes reading on a screen much easier on the eyes.
In 2008, Stanza won Best Free or Ad Supported App Award in the Best App Ever contest. Gave the iPhone version of Stanza a 4/5 stating, “Stanza is the most capable iPhone e-book reader available, with the easiest way to acquire the widest selection of books for your handheld perusal and the greatest number of text-formatting options”. Likewise, said of Stanza in an article; “Stanza is by far the most sophisticated e-Reader application for iPad If you have lots of content that you’ve collected over the years, Stanza is definitely a must-have app. There’s absolutely no downside, it’s free to use and does more than any e-book reader app” Even book community had a whole host of positive reviews.

What could possibly give users the same freedom of customization, flexibility and performance that Stanza did? We ran some hands-on testing (see our chart, below) and compared the latest e-reading apps on the market today to determine which iOS e-reader you should definitely be downloading. Comparing all the features of eBook reader apps – data and final row credit – THE WINNER – MARVIN Prettier than iBooks, cleverer than Kindle, and a reading experience reminiscent of the largely missed reigning predecessor that was Stanza, Marvin is the perfect e-book reader for iOS. Marvin has a ton of formatting options that give total control over how the app looks and feels. Changing the text size and font is a given, but there’s also the option to set margin widths to your preferred reading style, along with the ability to change the line-spacing and paragraph spacing.
There’s so many customizable options that the app beats any of its competition on these features alone. It may come as no surprise that Kindle, iBooks, and most reputable e-book reading apps have night reading themes which basically switches the iPad to a darker scheme to save your eyes from any glare when reading in the dark. Marvin stands above all of these, with the option of a third standalone theme, and the look is fully customizable. If you fancy going all out with a red background and yellow text, you certainly can. Likewise, you can also change the style of the day and night modes to fit your own needs. And that’s not all; Marvin will literally remember each setting for the next time you load up the app, including whether you’ve changed the layout completely to suit the style format you prefer. Speaks highly of Marvin’s customisable features and assets; “in case you’re wondering about the app’s customization options for fonts, margins, brightness, and whatnot, suffice it to say that Marvin has lots and lots of them.” Though most of today’s well known e-book reading apps allow the user to change the brightness as they see fit, Marvin goes one step further.
Swiping vertically on the screen with two fingers allows you to change the “warmth,” making it easier to read in a variety of different lighting conditions. Alongside this you can change the directions the pages will turn, and a whole array of fine gestures that allow for the most pleasurable reading experience possible.
Marvin is also the student’s perfect companion when it comes to studying. It goes without saying that apps like Kindle and iBooks also allow for text lookups, highlights, annotations, and dictionary use, but none other performs in the way Marvin does. It allows you to view all your bookmarks and highlights on a separate page, which makes for far easier viewing. There’s also the ability to email your highlights and so forth, which is highly useful for those revising for exams or writing a paper.
You can build summaries, tack on notes, reviews or articles to your book and even share your research between friends. Another great asset that Marvin does well is the “Deep View” feature that scans the book you’re reading and finds related information about the names, characters, and places, and other interesting material. This also does so without exiting the app, which allows for a seamless return straight back to what you were previously doing.
Considers Marvin the only iOS ebook reader you will need, saying, “Marvin is the most interesting and accomplished iOS ebook reader in a long time. Its text formatting features are second to none, putting it way ahead of anything else available. The Deep View AI engine is handy, probably more so to students. Highlighting and note taking, whilst not covered in this review, are all on a par or better than the offerings from Amazon and Apple.
There are other hidden gems here too, such as the ability to save definitions of every word you look up, thus creating your own personal dictionary that you can later export.” Something that Kindle nor iBooks yet give access to, and one of the greatest features by far, has to be Marvin’s built-in timer, that allows you to set a period for how long you wish to read or study. Upon exiting the app, Marvin also tells you how long you’ve been reading.
Marvin comes with a bundle of free ebooks, available to download after launching the app for the first time. These include several classic novels, which is great for those who love reading classic literature. Not to your taste?
Marvin makes adding more ebooks to your library easy, giving you the choice of three different methods in which to do so. One includes iTunes file sharing to transfer any ePubs from your computer straight to Marvin. The second involves using Marvin to open attachments in your iPad Mail app. That, or you can simply connect Marvin to Dropbox, where you can download any of the ebooks you have stored.
Bear in mind that Marvin does not support DRM-protected ebooks, and the only formats you can open and read are ePubs and PDFs. Just when you thought Marvin couldn’t get better, there’s always a new update or feature in the works. The latest update adds a new star rating system, 6 new smart collections to filter by star rating, bulk actions to rate, the ability to delete bookmarks and highlights, keywords in the library search bar, note attachment and more. It also supports Calibre, the industry-standard e-book library manager. With Calibre, you can sync your books to other e-book readers, convert e-books, manage your library, and more. Since the demise of Stanza, there hasn’t really been an app that has really worked well alongside Calibre, but Marvin brings back the freedom to communicate directly with the manager app.
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Of course, Cult of Mac also Marvin in December 2012, and it scored high as a don’t-miss app. Back then, Marvin was of course new on the scene; it’s been greatly improved in a whole number of ways since then. With scores of positive reviews across-the-board, iOS users in particular have given this app a collective five-star rating overall. User Han00 says, “This app is the reason I love my iPad. It’s incredibly easy to use and so helpful. It makes it possible for me to have a library like the one in Beauty and the Beast right at my fingertips, no ladders needed!
I love that you can edit metadata in the app itself, I love the interface, the fonts and colors, the simple commands and shortcuts you can assign to menu buttons. I would say this app has it all, except for the fact that just when I think it can’t get any better, Marvin is updated and proves me wrong.” Reading and book sharing site has nothing but appreciation for Marvin, with a host of five-star ratings praising the app.
Is Marvin perfect? Nothing’s perfect, as there will always be someone who turns their nose up at something, but in all honesty, the only major downside to Marvin has to be the fact you have to pay for the full version. One other slight critique that should be taken into account before purchasing is that due to its lack of DRM support, those who buy their eBooks from Amazon, iBooks, other DRM book stores cannot integrate their purchases with Marvin. Though there are ways around this, one being using Calibre to strip DRM and convert files to other formats, this isn’t something Cult of Mac personally advises.
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Depending on one’s country, removing DRM is very much a legal gray area, especially due to ambiguous and conflicting laws. It can be argued that if you own the book then technically it’s not “breaking any laws,” but it still remains uncertain on where this falls in terms of copyright violations. Aside from the aforementioned, with all the above features and at the inexpensive cost of $2.99, you can hardly go wrong.
There is also a “lite” version that lets you try Marvin out, but you only get access to one book at a time and the other features are limited too. Also, casual readers may find a bit of a learning curve, but there’s no reason that Marvin has to be used in all it’s complexity. The options are certainly there to tinker around with, but Marvin is also great in its original downloaded state. HONORABLE MENTIONS KINDLE Yes, Kindle has a cluttered interface, and frustratingly offers less flexibility than Marvin, but as an alternative, it definitely holds its own. Amazon’s Kindle Store, for example, still has the largest array of ebook content online, with over 1.5 million books available to browse, download, or purchase. For Kindle users, it’s highly beneficial since all of your books, notes, and reading progress are synchronized via WhisperSync between any of your Kindle devices and the accounts registered to them.
Unfortunately, the Kindle app does have its drawbacks. It doesn’t allow you to import anything other than.MOBI format or PDF files, and it only works with titles purchased from the Kindle Store. You can’t adjust the margins, and there’s only a handful of fonts for you to choose from should you wish to change it. It also doesn’t offer much in the way of customization when it comes to themes, allowing you to only switch between black, white or sepia. Similar to Marvin, you can perform a text search, or look up specific words or terms with Google or Wikipedia. Book navigation is pretty swift too, and turning pages is as easy as swiping or tapping the screen.
Though Kindle owners will find the app to their advantage, it pales in comparison compared to the smarter, seamless experience that Marvin offers. Unfortunately though, Marvin only supports.ePub files, so those who regularly access the Kindle Store will sadly have to sit this one out. BLUEFIRE READER Though it’s not as greatly known as Amazon’s Kindle app, or Apple’s iBooks, Bluefire Reader is great for reading both ePubs encrypted with Adobe’s DRM, as well as unencrypted ePubs and PDF files. You can then simply authorize the app with your Adobe ID, and download books from either Dropbox or iTunes to add them to your library. It’s also an alternative to OverDrive for library book downloads, if that’s your kind of thing. Although Bluefire is indeed a great all-around app, its main complaint is how sluggish it is at loading eBooks compared to the faster, more acclaimed reading apps.
This is mainly due to its sophisticated typeface more than anything else though, which automatically inserts ligatures that make text far easier to read. That aside, it’s not really noticeable within a wall of text, but your eyes certainly will be thankful for the comfort. Bluefire Reader also offers many other options including orientation lock, different typefaces, themes, and the ability to use it for highlighting and annotation. Unfortunately, Bluefire is hindered slightly by its lack of an offline dictionary and the inability to look-up words and terms on Wikipedia. Another missing feature is the two-column support in landscape mode, which can be a huge setback for some readers. That’s a glaring reason why Marvin remains our number one choice for reading, but Bluefire does have its charm and qualities, and is still a much more appealing option than Apple’s iBooks. ROUND UP.
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Marvin: Best customizable reading app, packed with special features, integration and synchronisation with Calibre, ePub and PDF only, custom commands, costs $2.99. Kindle: Access to the largest library of ebooks online, WhisperSync between all of your Kindle devices, fewer customizable options, only supports.mobi and PDF. Bluefire Reader: Great for reading DRM protected ePubs, alternative to OverDrive, comfortable ebook reading app, lacks two-column support and an offline dictionary. ALTERNATIVE SERVICES Apple’s iBooks Features: Cloud Sync, Themes, multi-column mode, highlight, annotation and Dictionary, Wikipedia lookup, in-app book store. Supported Formats: ePub and PDF Price: Free ebookMobi Features:Adjustable text size, brightness, font style, backgrounds and provides the option to import dictionary of choice. Methods to import books include iTunes, the app’s built-in connection to its free accessible book sites, Dropbox or Google Search, lacks DRM support. Supported Formats: ePub,.Mobi, fb2, pdb, PDF, RTF, HTML, CBR, CHM and.txt files.
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