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osuskinner allows you to create custom osu! skins with pre-made skin elements.
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How it works
Contribute to the Pool
Join the world's biggest osu! skin community and share your skin elements or the ones you found (with permission, of course!). It's easy, give it a try!

Pick What You Like
Pre-made skins may look cool, but you may not like some parts of them. This is the reason osuskinner exists: to help you avoid having to use skins you don't completely like, and rise through ranks with your favourite skin!
Create Better Skins Faster
After picking the elements you like, you can immediately download your skin and share it with everyone! The skins will be imported as .osk so you can install them with just one *click*.
All Game Modes
osuskinner supports all game modes: standard, mania, taiko and catch.
Save & Remix
You can save the progress you've made with your skin whenever you want, so you can continue working on it later.
Our library of sound elements helps you pick just the right amount of ORERU in your skin.

Element Uploads
You created this extremely beautiful and aesthetic health bar and want to share it? Great! You can do so with osuskinner!
Customizable Elements
You found the perfect skin but want it in purple? We got you fam. You can easily change the colors of an element with our tools!
Visual Skin.ini Configuration
The heart of every skin, skin.ini is very hard to configure, so we made it visual to help you configure your skin to your heart's fullest.
Invidual Downloads
Osu Hacks Aimbot
To change a part of a skin you like, you don't have to download the whole thing from scratch, just head to the elements page and download the part you need and copy it into the skin folder!
Fast, Reliable and Free
Create new skins in just minutes and store them for free forever! What else could you want more?!
Mobile Support
Just in case you wanted to make skins on the go.
More to come!
Stay tuned.
Osu Hacks Auto
What people say

Osu Hacks Mac Free
Is this real life? Oh my god.
Ah yes, finally I can make my own skins without any time to be wasted.
Really great site , hope you keep it up!
Works just fine for me. Enjoyed testing it out. Keep up the good work!
This is a gift to mankind.... Thanks for sharing!
This site is amazing, I always struggle to find a skin I like and having no knowledge on skinning I finally made the perfect skin for me.
This might be the best thing made for osu!, since osu!
I finally found awesome skin creator.
This editor is great, especially for setting up your skin.ini file. It's also nice to see that people are downloading elements i've made.
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