- Typical serial numbers of Carcani consist of either 1 or 2 letters followed by 4 numbers. Guns produced at Roma in late World War I often have a 'OR-' prefix before their whole serial number. Some guns with a number only also exist.
- THE ORIGINAL LIST of serial numbers of 700 Carcano Italian carbines received by Century Arms, Inc. From Empire: Serial number 2766 appears on last page of numbers (Exhibit D 103) See COMM. Carcano 38 Markings Finally identified the Carcano I have.
- 6.5 Carcano Rifle Serial Number Lookup
- Carcano Cavalry Carbine Serial Number Lookup
- 6.5 Carcano Serial Number Lookup
It would help to understand the foreign marking system on military
The Italian arms manufacturers used the same consecutive marking
system that the Germans used for identification, serial numbers,
manufacturing plant, etc. It began with a three digit serial
progressed through the thousand numbers. Example: 000-9999, then began
a prefix system. Example: A 111- A 9999. This progressed through the
alphabet - A-Z and AA-ZZ, etc.This system can be better understood by
looking at the serial numbers on the 100 rifles delivered to Klein's
in Feb. 1963.
See Warren - Waldman exhibit #4. It is almost certain, since there
were hundreds of rifles with the same serial numbers however, the
prefix would be different. The FBI did locate a rifle with the serial
number 2766, while the LHO rifle was C-2766.
The invoice of Empire Wholesale Sporting Goods, Limited, in
Montreal Canada, dated June 29, 1962, reflects the sale of 700 used
Italian rifles to Century Arms of St. Albens, Vermont. Exhibit D 156
was furnished by the owner of Century Arms on March 11, 1964 to the
THE ORIGINAL LIST of serial numbers of 700 Carcano Italian carbines
received by Century Arms, Inc. from Empire: Serial number 2766 appears
on last page of numbers (Exhibit D 103) See COMM. Exhibit No. 2562 #
13 Warren Report. It is almost impossible that two Carcanos would have
identical serial numbers unless someone altered them. (which I suspect
was done in Dallas to frame LHO)
Sylvia Meagher dealt with the 2766 serial number, but at the time,
didn't understand the numbering system or the Canada connection.
By the way, all serial numbers were not on the barrel. Some were on
the receiver, and even on the stock, some on more than one place. John
in Arlington, VA has four Carcanos and two serial
numbers are on the receiver, two on the barrel.
There is so much to be explained about how and where the Carcanos
were made that it could never be done on this forum. Guns marked Terni
may not have been made there. They could have been made in a small
plant elsewhere and called the Terni rifle. Some parts were made in
small plants and assembled at Terni, thus the Terni name.
Because the guns looked alike, (the 7.35 mm and the 6.5 mm ) the
manufacturers stamped 7.35 on the stock so the Italian troops knew
what ammo to use.
I suggest the purchase of two books. Anyone interested in the rifle
should get these books. There are hundreds of ads and they can be
seen in the book, THE MARKETING OF A WEAPON. The book was produced by
Gary Nivaggi, in Dec. 1994. In the late 50's and early 60's, many
varieties, styles and calibers of the MC rifles were offered at low
The book contains questions regarding the MC, various ammo loads for
it, its clip, and other great information about the stopping and
'knockdown' capabilities of firearm projectiles. All from the pages of
American Rifleman.
Many questions being asked on the posts will all be answered if you
Another book that will provide valuable information that comes from a
real expert on the Carcano: Richard Hobbs, 3958 Cambridge Rd. # 162,
Cameron Park, CA 95682.
Last E-mail I had was
fuc..@innercite.com. Hobbs is a collector of Carcanos since 1945 and
may know more about the weapon than anyone in this country.
His book: THE CARCANO Italy's Military Rifle. (Was about $18.00) He
is not a JFK 'BUFF.'- but he sure knows that weapon.
If you own these two books, you will hardly ever have a serious
question about the Carcano again.
Carcano Potpourri !!!!!!!
Adam Consolidated (CRESCENT FIREARMS) :
'Three American firms entered the competition for the 91s that the
Italian Defense Ministry was selling. Adam Consolidated, in
conjunction with the Feldsott brothers, won the bidding with a total
offer of $ 1,776,OOO for the approximately 570,000 guns.'
'.. Some 5300 kilos (approx. 1200 Pounds) of parts were included
in the contract price. Adam also purchased 2,608,704 rounds of
ammunition, which were picked up and paid for as items sepatate from
the surplus weapons, on three occasions.'
Aug. 8, 1960 ..........653,176 cartridges 6.5 mm
July 31, 1961.......... 1,304,352 same
June 6, 1962 ........... 652,176 same
The price was $13.57 per thousand, or somewhat more than a penny per
bullet. '
From: THE GUN - Henry S. Bloomgarden
Apparently, thousands of these Italian rifles were sold in the US
before Cresent won the above bid. Klein's was selling the 7.35 mm as
early as the spring of 1958
In this ad of 4-58, the MANNLICHER HIGH POWER RIFLE sold for $12.95 -
Good outside, very good inside. A very good outside: Excellent inside
sold for $14.95 and an Excellent inside and outside cost $16.95. For
98 cents, a leather sling was available and a cleaning rod cost 79
cents. Military ammo in clips of six-12 for 98 cents- 48 for $2.98.
The following month - the same ad, but the sling and rod were included
From 7- 58 until 10 - 60, Klein's did not advertise any MCs. Then,
in 10 - 60 appeared their ad for the CUSTOM SPORTERIZED MODEL for
In 3-62 the 6.5 mm was advertised for $11.88. AMERICAN RIFLEMAN .
In 1958, Congressman Morano was pleading : 'Let's find out where
some of these Carcano rifles have gone.'
Macy's and Sears Roebuck, as well as sporting supply stores,
discount stores and Army-and-Navy-surplus stores sold the weapon and
the ammo.
Some of these guns came from Finland:
'During the first winter of the war with Russia, Findland procured
from Sweden approximately 15,000 Swedish 6.5 mm M 96 Mausers and 6.5
mm ammunition which Findland decided to manufacture for these weapons
during WW II. Findland received, in addition, a supply of Italian M38,
7.35 mm carbines via Germany during WW II. Both weapons saw limited
service as they were relegated to use by the stationary troops, such
as guards on bridges, airfields, railways, waterworks, etc. Today, the
greater portion of the M 38 carbines Findland received can be traced
to the U.S. market as surplus war goods.'
By Anthony Dee
The Type “I” (pronounced Type “ee” by the Japanese) was a very unusual rifle that was used by the Japanese in several campaigns during WW II including the South Pacific.
It was conceived by the Mutual Aid Pact of 1937. This agreement signed by Italy, Germany and Japan promised support and needed supplies to the Axis partners. The Japanese were in desperate need of weapons as they were involved in conflicts in both Russia and China. The Japanese Navy negotiated the contract and it produced a very unique rifle.
The Axis powers had very distinctive differences in their respective weapons and tactics. The Germans and the Italians did share some common ground in the area of ammunition and shared several different weapons as the war progressed. The 9mm Kurtz (.380) or 9mm Corto and the 7.65 Browning (.32ACP) were used in various German and Italian pistols. The 1934 & 1935 Berettas and various Walther PPK’s, PP’s, Mauser HSC’s and Sauer’s shared this ammunition. Well over 20,000 Carcano rifles were chambered in 8mm Mauser by the Italians in 1938 and 1941. Towards the end of the war the Germans converted more as a last ditch effort for the Volkssturm. The 8mm Mauser was also chambered for the M-1937 Breda Machine-gun cartridge. The 9mm Parabellum was widely used in the 1938A and 38/44 Beretta submachine guns. The Japanese did not have any compatibility with their partners in this area. Their own weapons were chambered in a very confusing array of ammunition that were similar but not interchangeable. They had four different calibers for their Machine-guns along with two different calibers for their rifles. The only common bond that all three countries had was that they all used a bolt action rifle as their main issue infantry weapon and this was the basis for the Type “I”.
The Japanese required a rifle that was similar to the standard issue Model 38 Arisaka in almost every respect. In 1938 The Italian Royal Arms Factory (F.A.R.E., Fabbrica Armi Rego Esercito) designed and built a rifle that fit their needs and it was subsequently called the Type “I”.
This new rifle utilized a Model 91 Carcano action as a starting point. One major difference was that the single stack 6 round Mannlicher clip that was standard on the Italian Carcano was not used in the Type “I”. A staggered 5 round box magazine common to the Arisaka and the 98 Mauser was successfully mated to the Carcano action. The gun was then chambered in the standard 6.5mm Japanese semi-rimmed caliber and the action was notched to accept the Japanese stripper clip. The rifle also used the standard Japanese bayonet and sling. The sights were also similar to the Arisaka and were adjustable from 400 meters to a very optimistic 2400 meters. The front sight was adjustable by means of a dovetailed slot.
The stock was manufactured just like the Arisaka using the two piece buttstock. This design required that the buttstock be dovetailed and pinned together. The buttstock came in two different lengths. The shorter one should fit the average Japanese soldier just fine. The longer version seemed to be far too long for the average person. It has been reported that these longer rifles were specifically made for some Special Naval Landing Force units (The Japanese Marines); that had members of particularly large stature. These longer stocked rifles would fit these soldiers comfortably.
The Type “I” was built by three Italian arms factories between 1938 and 1939. Most were produced by “Gardone V.T”. (50,000 to 70,000), followed by “FNA Brescia” (30,000 to 40,000) and “Beretta” (20,000 to 30,000). The total estimated production was between 100,000 to 140,000.
There are no markings on the rifles that will tell you the manufacturer without disassembly. The serial number is all that appears visible on the left side of the chamber. If you remove the action you would see proof marks and the manufacturer marks on the bottom of the receiver. However, I have seen some rifles with no markings at all. An easier way to determine the manufacturer is the following guide. A letter code was assigned to the different factories to precede the serial number.
A, B, C, D, E, F > Gardone V.T.
G, H, I > FNA. Brescia
J, K, L > Beretta
Some “J” series rifles were made by FNA. Brescia due to an overrun.
These were very well built sturdy rifles that weighed in at an impressive 8 lbs. 12 ozs. They are a pleasure to shoot with a minimum amount of recoil and they are very accurate. The rifles used in this article are typical examples. One was made by Gardone and has the longer style stock. The other one was built by FNA, and it also has the longer stock. This gun has a mint bore and is very accurate. The group shown was shot at 100 yds with Norma factory ammo and measures just under 2 1/2 inches.
A great deal has been written regarding the poor quality and inaccurate Carcano rifle. I have found from personal experience that the Carcano is a very good weapon and with proper ammunition it can be a very accurate rifle. The Carcano served its country for over 60 years. I find it difficult to accept that any country would utilize a rifle in two World Wars if it was unsafe and inaccurate.
The Type “I” was used extensively in the Philippines and several were captured in the battle for Okinawa. They saw service in Peliliu, Burma and several other campaigns. They were also standard issue to several Japanese Navy units. These rifles served with distinction and are a unique piece of WW II History with a very unusual origin.

Tubata is a marking I have found on a number of Italian rifles that have been 'sleeved'- a bad or obsolete bore is drilled out, and a sleeve inserted Read More. You have an old bolt action rifle with the markings fat 42 and a serial of al9322 can you tell you what it is? Your rifle is an Italian military rifle known as a Carcano. But the key (IMO) in proving that the two pictures are depicting the exact same rifle (in addition to the common-sense reason to know that the two pics are showing the same weapon, since there are most certainly NOT two Carcano rifles in existence with the exact same five- digit serial number, including the prefix) is the positioning of the two 'sixes' in the serial number in both photographs.
6.5 Carcano Rifle Serial Number Lookup

This article first appeared in Small Arms Review V4N3 (December 2000) |
Carcano Cavalry Carbine Serial Number Lookup
6.5 Carcano Serial Number Lookup
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