Cydia Impactor 0.9.43 Thanks to Saurik who developed this amazing lightweight Cydia Impactor tool. If you are still facing any error, feel free to comment it below. We will try to provide the exact solution for your particular error.
Cydia Impactor 0.9.43 Download
- Update Enlighten 1.0.1-b7, low light mode for iOS devices. Including new 2x mode and more.
- As a result, we now meet the latest Cydia impactor tool version that carries the support for iOS 12. It is called Cydia impactor v0.9.46 and comes free just as always. In compared with the times of iOS 11, Saurik’s quick update of Cydia impactor with iOS 12 release is something more exciting. In fact, where we could look forward to something new.
- My phone was previously jailbroken im running ios 12.1.2 i phone X im using uncover jailbreak version V3.0.0.0 b43 and cydia impactor ive tried to use lates uncover jailbreak version with an updated cydia impactor to no avail.
- Cydia Impactor 0.9.43 update a fost lansat in cursul noptii trecute de catre creatorul aplicatiei, cel care a realizat si aplicatia Cydia. Pentru cei dintre voi care nu stiu asta, Cydia Impactor este un utilitar care permite instalarea oricarei aplicatii in iPhone si iPad folosind un cont de dezvoltator.
Cydia Impactor 0.9.43 for Windows has been released to fix http-win.cpp:159 “Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate.” error.

Announced by Jay ‘Saurik’ Freeman on Twitter, the release comes quickly after the issue came into light in the last twenty four hours or so and has only been affecting Windows users of Cydia Impactor.
For those who don’t already know, Cydia Impactor is an easy-to-use tool available on Windows, Mac and Linux which is used by most modern semi-untethered IPA-based jailbreaks for re-signing and re-sideloading the jailbreak app every seven days or so. It’s also one of the more popular tools used for sideloading the non-Cydia Substrate-based tweaks and hacked “++” apps on non-jailbroken devices.
Cydia Impactor 0.9.43
In case any of you is not familiar with the process of using Cydia Impactor for sideloading apps, we have a full step by step tutorial on it which you can check out in detail here: Sideload iOS Apps On Windows, Mac With Cydia Impactor Without Jailbreak, Here’s How.
Cydia Impactor 0.9.43 For Mac
The latest version of Cydia Impactor version 0.9.43 can be downloaded for Windows from the official portal over at The Mac and Linux versions of Cydia Impactor remains same at version 0.9.42 as they were unaffected by the “http-win.cpp:159” error.
And from the update log, we can see that Cydia Eraser supports iOS 10.3.3. So does it means there will be iOS 10.3.3 jailbreak? Let's stay tuned.
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