Clinton Outboard Motors The Clinton Outboard has its roots in Clinton, Michigan. Clinton Machine Company had been manufacturing gears for tank turrets during WW II. After the war, owner Don Thomas saw a need and decided to manufacture a line of small gasoline engine. His company and sales grew rapidly. New Listing 1960s Clinton engines sales service Dealer manual large. Time left 6d 13h left. 0 bids +$15.50 shipping. S Q Y p Y o n s T o r e d H D E Y P 9. 5 Clinton Engine 293-62 Jet Needle Adjustable NOS. Number of bids and bid amounts may be slightly out of date. See each listing for international.
- The engine serial number is made up of several components. For example, a full engine serial number could be PJ56P. The engine serial number is the complete number shown. This is made up of. The list number or build list, typically 2 to 4 letters followed by 4 or 5 numbers; a letter identifying the country; a series of numbers showing.
- Normally Clinton's saws are yellow in color. This NIB(New in box) model D35 is blue in color since it was sold for European Export(serial number followed by letter E). It could be sold to any company, so it did not came with decals. Also the muffler has a different shape to meet special requirements such as noise.on any export saws.
Serial numbers are normally serial - that is tosay they follow upon each other without gaps. But if this is thecase with Clinton's serial numbers, it points to a very highproductivity (about 7.5 flutes per working week) for a small andrelatively short-lived company , and a high sales rate at a time whencompetition between all the new models on offer was absolutely intense.
Given the seemingly large number of flutes madein a very short time, it is possible that the serial numbers are notcontiguous - for example that series of numbers might have been usedfor different kinds of flutes. If so, we have so far been unableto crack the code. The Flutes for India suggest that they mightbe in a series starting at 2000, but the closely spaced group startingat 4803 contains a wide range of flute types. It is of coursepossible that he ran with one philosophy of serial numbering for awhile then dropped it in favour of some other system. Or indeedthat the system broke down after Clinton's death.

The alternative suggestion is that Clinton simplyfudged the figures to make sales look more impressive. A faircomment is where are all these 6000 flutes today? You mightimagine then that Clinton might have left a few spaces between eachnumber issued, possibly even varying the size of these gaps to avoidbeing outed. We'd expect then to see the numbers on extant flutesto be well distributed between 1 and 6000 or so. But when we lookat the distribution of serial numbers of extent Clinton flutes we see avery different pattern.
Clinton Engine Serial Numbers Diagram

Clinton Engine Serial Numbers List
The extant flutes fall into clear groups where:

flutes within the groups are separated bynumbers between 1 and 115, with the average separation being 25, and
the groups are separated by gaps of between afew hundred and nearly 1000.
This distribution with its sudden big jumpsdoesn't seem to fit well with the fudging suggestion, yet neither canwe see logic in the groupings of flute types. Perhaps the mostpeculiar is the sudden jump from around 2000 to near 5000, with so faronly 4 flutes found in the gap.
The system might of course relate to something ofwhich we have no knowledge - changes in personnel, workshop practice orwhatever, that might have been significant to Clinton but to nobodyelse. Or indeed, we could be reading too much into the smallamount of data we have. Hopefully, as we become aware of moreextant Clinton flutes, the picture will clarify.
Given our doubts then that the numbers arecontiguous, can we estimate a more likely output from the Clintonworkshop over the 16 years? Perhaps one approach would be toseparate the groups of numbers with the average spacing within thegroups, 25. This would suggest a figure of 903 flutes, equivalentto an average rate of manufacture of just over 1 a week. Thisfigure is more in keeping with what we might expect of a smallmanufacturer like Siccama or Hudson and indeed quite good going, given Clinton's flutes are generally more complex.
Indeed, this might be too conservative a figure,especially as we currently aware of nearly three times as many extantClinton's as extent Siccama's. Looking again at the chart above,we wouldn't need to find many more flutes to close up some of thoseearly gaps, quickly adding several hundred to the output. Butthis is becoming speculation upon speculation, so perhaps we'd bestwait to see what turns up!
Email: To inquire about a short block, or other parts, please use our Engine Inquiry Form For Kohler, LCT, Tecumseh & Robin engines scroll down the page. Normally we are going to need the model and specification (spec) number of your current engine in order to help. You may also be asked to ID your alternator type and asked other questions about your equipment. This is done more efficiently through Link for instructions to ID your Transaxle. |
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Identifying Kohler EnginesThe engine identification numbers (model, spec, and serial number) are on a silver decal normally affixed to the blower housing of the engine. These numbers should be provided to the dealer whenever parts are required. Kohler Engine Identification
Identifying Tecumseh EnginesThe engine identification numbers (model, spec, and serial number) are on a decal normally affixed to the blower housing of the engine. These numbers should be provided to the dealer whenever parts are required. Find Your Tecumseh Model & Spec number |
Robin Subaru Engines IdentificationRobin engines are identified by MODEL, SPECIFICATION, and CODE NUMBER. For each model there may be many different versions called specifications. Each specification will be unique in some way. The difference may only be the paint color or it may have a different type of PTO or some other significant difference. In order the identify the correct service part number, it is important to confirm the specification and code numbers for your engine. The specification and code number together are know as the PRODUCT NUMBER. All Robin 4 cycle engines have a Product Number label similar to the label illustrated below. The Product Number Label has a 15 digit alphanumeric string that consists of the SPECIFICATION (SPEC) number (11 digits) and the CODE number (4 digits). Please note the illustration below: SAMPLE PRODUCT NUMBER LABEL |
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LCT Engine Identification |
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