The ballistic weave is an armor mod that allows improved defensive stats to certain clothing items, including outfits, clothing that can be worn under armor and a small number of hats.Fallout 2d20 1 This crafting ability can be learned from Tinker Tom after performing certain quests for the Railroad faction. Once this skill is learned, one can upgrade any applicable clothing item at an armor. Compatible with all mods that change textures or meshes Incompatible with Armorsmith Extended Incompatible with any mod that edits the same clothing as EBW Credits Bethesda for Fallout 4 ElminsterAU for FO4Edit Valdacil, Gambit77, and AndrewCX for AWKCR.

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Fallout 4 All Ballistic Weave Clothing
Item Name | ID Code |
Army Fatigues | 00023431 |
Baseball Uniform | 00144f03 |
Bos Officer Uniform | 00134294 |
Bos Uniform (orange) | 000dedeb |
Bos Uniform (gray) | 002223e3 |
Bottle And Cappy Shirt & Jeans | DLC Code + 029c0f |
Bottle Shirt & Jeans | DLC Code + 029c10 |
Cappy Shirt & Jeans | DLC Code + 029c12 |
Colorful Brown Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e283 |
Colorful Dark Blue Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e284 |
Colorful Dark Green Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e285 |
Colorful Green Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e282 |
Colorful Light Blue Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e281 |
Colorful Light Green Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e27f |
Colorful Pink Undergarments | DLC Code + 027422 |
Colorful Yellow Undergarments | DLC Code + 04e280 |
Corset | 001921d6 |
Dirty Army Fatigues | 0019cbb3 |
Fancy Plaid Suit & String Tie | DLC Code + 028745 |
Fancy Plaid Suit & Tie | DLC Code + 028747 |
Fancy Suit | DLC Code + 028746 |
Fancy Suit & Tie | DLC Code + 028744 |
Flannel Shirt And Jeans | 00117eb9 |
Furry Undergarments | DLC Code + 027423 |
Green Shirt And Combat Boots | 001942d6 |
Gunner Flannel Shirt And Jeans | 0000223c |
Gunner Harness | 00223cfb |
Gunner Leathers | 00223cfc |
Harness | 0008158d |
Legend Of Vault 88 | DLC Code + 001afd |
Long Johns | 00019568 |
Marine Wetsuit | DLC Code + 03a556 |
Military Fatigues | 0016892c |
Minuteman Outfit | 000e517b |
Nuka-world Geyser Shirt & Jeans | DLC Code + 044da3 |
Nuka-world Shirt & Jeans | DLC Code + 029c11 |
Patchwork Sweater & Furry Pants | DLC Code + 027425 |
Patchwork Sweater & Shorts | DLC Code + 027426 |
Raider Leathers | 0018e3f7 |
Ripped Shirt & Socks | DLC Code + 027424 |
Road Leathers | 000af0e2 |
Synth Uniform | 0012b91d |
Tattered Rags | 0011609b |
Torn Shirt & Jeans | DLC Code + 026ba9 |
Torn Shirt & Ragged Pants | DLC Code + 026ba7 |
Trapper Leathers | DLC Code + 00ea36 |
Undershirt & Jeans | 000ffc21 |
Vault 75 Jumpsuit | 00225f7e |
Vault 75 Jumpsuit - New | 0022da67 |
Vault 81 Jumpsuit | 001103a4 |
Vault 81 Jumpsuit - New | 0022da69 |
Vault 88 Jumpsuit | DLC Code + 0042ae |
Vault 95 Jumpsuit | 0022da73 |
Vault 95 Jumpsuit - New | 0022da66 |
Vault 101 Jumpsuit | 000976b3 |
Vault 101 Jumpsuit - New | 0022da6a |
Vault 111 Jumpsuit | 0001eed7 |
Vault 111 Jumpsuit - New | 000976b7 |
Vault 114 Jumpsuit | 000976b5 |
Vault 114 Jumpsuit - New | 0022da68 |
Vault 118 Jumpsuit | DLC Code + 043331 |
Wrap & Ragged Pants | DLC Code + 026baa |
Wrap & Ripped Jeans | DLC Code + 026ba8 |
Agatha's Dress | 000f15cf |
Athletic Outfit | 000af0e4 |
Atom Cats Jacket And Jeans | 0014bf53 |
Bathrobe | 0014a349 |
Beaded Blazer | 0004d6ae |
Black Fisherman's Overalls | DLC Code + 0570d3 |
Black Institute Lab Coat | 001b350d |
Black Vest And Slacks | 000fc100 |
Blue Institute Division Head Coat | 001b34fa |
Blue Institute Lab Coat | 001a5cfd |
Bomber Jacket | 000e1af6 |
Bottle And Cappy Orange Jacket & Jeans | DLC Code + 044da5 |
Bottle And Cappy Red Jacket & Jeans | DLC Code + 044da6 |
Brotherhood Fatigues (standard) | 00169523 |
Brotherhood Fatigues (officer) | 001f1a7f |
Brotherhood Fatigues (medic) | 001f1a7c |
Brown Fisherman's Overalls | DLC Code + 0570da |
Cabot's Lab Coat | 001e8cab |
Cage Armor | 000b2d8e |
Cappy Jacket & Jeans | DLC Code + 044da8 |
Casual Outfit (female) | 001410ec |
Casual Outfit (male) | 00174d2f |
Chase's Uniform | DLC Code + 048234 |
Checkered Shirt And Slacks | 0013d65e |
Child Of Atom Brown Rags | 0022c675 |
Child Of Atom Green Rags | 0022c678 |
Child Of Atom Long Brown Rags | 0022c674 |
Child Of Atom Long Green Rags | 0022c677 |
Child Of Atom Long Rags | 000e6f18 |
Child Of Atom Short Brown Rags | 0022c676 |
Child Of Atom Short Green Rags | 0022c679 |
Child Of Atom Short Rags | 0022c672 |
Child Of Atom Simple Rags | 0022c673 |
Clean Black Suit | 001bddf8 |
Clean Blue Suit | 001bddf9 |
Clean Grey Suit | 001bddfa |
Clean Striped Suit | 001bddfb |
Clean Tan Suit | 00151e34 |
Cleanroom Suit | 00115aec |
Coastal Armor | DLC Code + 04fa88 |
Colonial Duster | 0001f17b |
Courser Uniform | 0012a332 |
Covert Sweater Vest | 0009ac97 |
Cowhide Western Outfit | DLC Code + 029c0b |
Damaged Hazmat Suit | 0018b214 |
Db Tech Varsity Uniform | 001641f8 |
Dirty Black Institute Lab Coat | 001b350c |
Dirty Black Suit | 001bde04 |
Dirty Blue Institute Division Head Coat | 001b3502 |
Dirty Blue Institute Lab Coat | 001acd0c |
Dirty Blue Suit | 001bde05 |
Dirty Green Institute Division Head Coat | 001b3504 |
Dirty Green Institute Lab Coat | 001acd0a |
Dirty Grey Suit | 001bde06 |
Dirty Institute Division Head Coat | 001acd06 |
Dirty Institute Jumper | 001ab214 |
Dirty Institute Lab Coat | 001acd08 |
Dirty Orange Institute Division Head Coat | 001b3506 |
Dirty Postman Uniform | 00146177 |
Dirty Striped Suit | 001bde07 |
Dirty Tan Suit | 00151e30 |
Dirty Trench Coat | 001223cb |
Dirty Yellow Institute Division Head Coat | 001b3508 |
Dirty Yellow Institute Lab Coat | 001b350b |
Disciples Armored Skirt | DLC Code + 03b554 |
Drifter Outfit | 000b2d8d |
Engineer's Armor | 000dede7 |
Explorer Outfit | 000732ac |
Faded Trench Coat | 000e2e2c |
Farmhand Clothes | 000e5084 |
Father's Lab Coat | 0014fbd0 |
Fatigues | 001153d9 |
Feathered Dress | 001b5f1b |
Field Scribe's Armor | 000e370e |
Fisherman's Outfit | DLC Code + 00914e |
Fisherman's Overalls | DLC Code + 00914f |
Furry Pants & T-shirt | DLC Code + 0520cf |
Gage's Armor | DLC Code + 029c06 |
Geneva's Ensemble | 0023caa4 |
Greaser Jacket And Jeans | 0014bf50 |
Green Fisherman's Overalls | DLC Code + 0570d4 |
Green Institute Division Head Coat | 001b34fc |
Green Institute Lab Coat | 001a5cfb |
Grey Fisherman's Overalls | DLC Code + 0570d9 |
Grognak Costume | 001828cc |
Gunner Guard Outfit | 00223cfa |
Hazmat Suit | 000ceac4 |
Helmeted Cage Armor | 000b2d8f |
Helmeted Spike Armor | 000ddb81 |
High Confessor's Robes | DLC Code + 0391e6 |
Hooded Rags | 000b3f4e |
Hubologist Outfit | DLC Code + 029c0c |
Hunter's Long Coat | DLC Code + 046027 |
Hunter's Pelt Outfit | DLC Code + 04e698 |
Ingram's Underarmor | 00225a5e |
Institute Division Head Coat | 001236ad |
Institute Jumper | 0011e7b8 |
Institute Lab Coat | 0011e7b9 |
Kellogg's Outfit | 001153db |
Lab Coat | 00237677 |
Laundered Blue Dress | 0014d08f |
Laundered Cream Dress | 002075be |
Laundered Denim Dress | 002075c0 |
Laundered Green Dress | 000eecf5 |
Laundered Loungewear | 000e6288 |
Laundered Pink Dress | 002075bf |
Laundered Rose Dress | 002075c1 |
Leather Coat | 000732b5 |
Legend Of The Harbor | DLC Code + 04b9b1 |
Letterman's Jacket And Jeans | 001574c7 |
Longshoreman Outfit | 001536f4 |
Lorenzo's Suit | 00169bba |
Maccready's Duster | 000d415a |
Magician's Tuxedo | DLC Code + 03407c |
Mason's Outfit | DLC Code + 04a6a1 |
Maxson's Battlecoat | 001fe1a6 |
Mechanic Jumpsuit (olive) | 001c26b9 |
Mechanic Jumpsuit (red Rocket) | 0005e76c |
Mechanist's Armor | DLC Code + 008bc1 |
Minutemen General's Uniform | 001c2214 |
Nuka-girl Rocketsuit | DLC Code + 029c0d |
Nuka-world Geyser Jacket & Jeans | DLC Code + 044da4 |
Nuka-world Jacket & Jeans | DLC Code + 044da7 |
Nuka-world Jumpsuit | DLC Code + 03578e |
Operators Armored Dress | DLC Code + 039568 |
Operators Armored Skirt | DLC Code + 039562 |
Orange Institute Division Head Coat | 001b34fd |
Orange Shirt Western Outfit | DLC Code + 029c0a |
Padded Blue Jacket | 000a740b |
Pastor's Vestments | 001467a4 |
Patched Suit | 000a28d7 |
Patched Three-piece Suit | 000a36be |
Postman Uniform | 00146174 |
Quinlan's Armor | 00136335 |
Radstag Hide Outfit | 00034595 |
Railroad Armored Coat | 0013bcd1 |
Railroad Armored Coat Mk I | 001bbcb5 |
Railroad Armored Coat Mk Ii | 001bbcb6 |
Railroad Armored Coat Mk Iii | 001bbcb7 |
Railroad Armored Coat Mk Iv | 001bbcb8 |
Railroad Armored Coat Mk V | 001bbcb9 |
Ratty Skirt | 001b828c |
Red Dress | 000fd9a8 |
Red Frock Coat | 00116806 |
Red Leather Trench Coat | 0009f252 |
Reginald's Suit | 000f15d0 |
Rescue Diver Suit | DLC Code + 04885a |
Robes Of Atom's Devoted | DLC Code + 0247c8 |
Scavenger Outfit | 000732ae |
Science Scribe's Armor | 000e44ff |
Sequin Dress | 0011a27b |
Silver Shroud Costume (level 45) | 000ded29 |
Spacesuit Costume | DLC Code + 00d2ae |
Spike Armor | 000ddb80 |
Submariner Uniform | 00118864 |
Summer Shorts | 0014941a |
Surveyor Outfit | 000b3f4c |
Suspenders And Slacks | 000fc102 |
Sweater Vest And Slacks | 000dffc5 |
T-shirt And Slacks | 0014b019 |
Tattered Field Jacket | 000732b1 |
Teagan's Armor | 00136166 |
Traveling Leather Coat | 000732b9 |
Tuxedo | 000fc395 |
Utility Coveralls | 00039a66 00237686 |
Vault-tec Lab Coat | 00068cf3 |
Western Duster | DLC Code + 042325 |
Western Outfit | DLC Code + 029c08 |
Western Outfit & Chaps | DLC Code + 029c09 |
Wildman Rags | DLC Code + 0392ae |
Winter Jacket And Jeans | 00117eb7 |
Yellow Institute Division Head Coat | 001b34fe |
Yellow Institute Lab Coat | 001b350a |
Yellow Trench Coat | 00174428 |
Zeke's Jacket And Jeans | 0014a0dc |
Airship Captain's Hat | 0013aef5 |
Army Helmet | 00023432 |
Baseball Cap | 00144f04 |
Battered Fedora | 000e5086 |
Black Cowboy Hat | DLC Code + 042323 |
Blue Batting Helmet | 000f6d8c |
Bowler Hat | 000fc104 |
Captain Ironsides' Hat | 000f6d85 |
Chef Hat | 000f6d88 |
Coast Guard Hat | 000f6d87 |
Combat Armor Helmet | 0011e2c8 |
Cowboy Hat | DLC Code + 042322 |
Crumpled Fedora | 000a28d8 |
Dirty Army Helmet | 0019cbb1 |
Dirty Fedora | 001223cd |
Dirty Postman Hat | 001f9793 |
Faded Visor | 0012571c |
Field Scribe's Hat | 000e3710 |
Fisherman's Hat | DLC Code + 00914b |
Formal Hat | 000fc396 |
Grandpa Savoldi's Hat | 00122246 |
Gray Knit Cap | 000f6d84 |
Green Rag Hat | 000b3f4d |
Hard Hat | 000f6d86 |
High Confessor's Helm | DLC Code + 0391e8 |
Lieutenant's Hat | 001f599a |
Lorenzo's Crown | 001467f5 |
Maccready's Hat | 001e5f6c |
Mascot Head | 0011e46d |
Metal Helmet | 000787d3 |
Military Cap | 0016892e |
Militia Hat | 000e517d |
Mining Helmet | 001240f1 |
Minuteman Hat | 000316d4 |
Minutemen General's Hat | 001c2216 |
Newsboy Cap | 000a740e |
Oswald's Tophat | DLC Code + 050dd1 |
Pack Beanie | DLC Code + 02770d |
Pirate Hat | DLC Code + 04262b |
Pompadour Wig | 00165602 |
Postman Hat | 001f9790 |
Press Cap | 000a81af |
Prospector's Hat | DLC Code + 04231f |
Sea Captain's Hat | 000f6d89 |
Silver Shroud Hat | 0014e58e |
Submariner Hat | 00118865 |
The Captain's Hat | DLC Code + 04b9b3 |
The Dapper Gent | DLC Code + 05159b |
Tinker Headgear | 001832f5 |
Tricorn Hat | 00116808 |
Triggerman Bowler | 001ba8da |
Trilby Hat | 000a36c0 |
Ushanka Hat | 000f6d83 |
Welding Helmet | 000dede9 |
Wool Fisherman's Cap | DLC Code + 00914c |
Worn Fedora | 000e2e2e |
Wrapped Cap | 000787db |
Yellow Fedora | 000df457 |
Yellow Slicker Hat | 001fa250 |
Black-rim Glasses | 00125891 |
Cappy Glasses | DLC Code + 013a47 |
Eyeglasses | 001c4be8 |
Fashionable Glasses | 000fd9aa |
Gage's Eyepatch | DLC Code + 0340bb |
Liam's Glasses | 001b5b26 |
Medical Goggles | 000e4501 |
Operators Glasses | DLC Code + 02873e |
Operators Goggles | DLC Code + 02873d |
Patrolman Sunglasses | 001738aa |
Road Goggles | 000a81b0 |
Robotic Bits | 0022f0dd |
Sunglasses | 000e628a |
Welding Goggles | 000787d9 |
Wraparound Goggles | 000536c5 |
Blue Bandana | 0017e917 |
Gunner's Camo Bandana | 0017e922 |
Gunner's Green Bandana | 0017e923 |
Jangles Bandana | 0017e91c |
Leopard Print Bandana | 0017e91b |
Red Bandana | 0009c05b |
Skull Bandana | 0017e91d |
Stars And Stripes Bandana | 0017e925 |
Striped Bandana | 0017e924 |
Surgical Mask | 000787da |
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