Installing Octoprint For Os X

2014-10-04: Installation of OctoPi

Since version 0.1.3 there is a python dependency on numpy. As a result; if you don’t already have numpy the install can take in excess of 30 minutes to complete on a pi. Just be patient and let it run and eventually the plugin install will finish. If your device have less than 512MB of ram your numpy installation will most likely fail. Install the developer toolkit on any machine. Run ddev release build octoprint to build the package. Download the Datadog Agent. Upload the build artifact to any host with an Agent and run datadog-agent integration install -w path/to/octoprint/dist/datadogoctoprint.whl.

Raspberry Pi B+ (512MB RAM; 4 USB ports)
Bluetooth keyboard/mouse
HDMI -> monitorInstalling Octoprint For Os X
16 GB MicroUSB drive
1. Download image:
2. Create image (Mac OS X 10.9.5):
Figure out disk:
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused Mounted on
/dev/disk0s2 233Gi 56Gi 176Gi 25% 14815705 46253735 24% /
map -hosts 0Bi 0Bi 0Bi 100% 0 0 100% /net
map -fstab 0Bi 0Bi 0Bi 100% 0 0 100% /Network/Servers
localhost:/L3Z33Zjc8S4kNDmQd5G1BW 233Gi 233Gi 0Bi 100% 0 0 100% /Volumes/MobileBackups

/dev/disk1s1 15Gi 2.3Mi 15Gi 1% 0 0 100% /Volumes/NO NAME

Unmount (command line or using disk utility)
csi0349505:~ gbabnigg$ su - adminGB
umount /dev/disk1s1
Create image:
csi0349505:~ admingb$ sudo dd bs=1m if=/Users/gbabnigg/Downloads/2014-06-20-wheezy-octopi-0.9.0.img of=/dev/disk1s1
This is uninterruptable command; check status (SIGINFO) -> Ctl-T
load: 1.34 cmd: dd 42381 uninterruptible 0.01u 30.02s
2296+0 records out
2407530496 bytes transferred in 1923.167677 secs (1251857 bytes/sec)
2825+0 records out
2962227200 bytes transferred in 2358.789555 secs (1255825 bytes/sec)
I also tried with bigger block size. It took twice as long to write:
csi0349505:~ admingb$ sudo dd bs=1g if=/Users/gbabnigg/Downloads/2014-06-20-wheezy-octopi-0.9.0.img of=/dev/disk1s1
load: 1.21 cmd: dd 47490 uninterruptible 0.00u 27.43s
1+0 records out
1073741824 bytes transferred in 3811.230986 secs (281731 bytes/sec)
2+1 records out

Installing Octoprint For Os Xenoverse

2962227200 bytes transferred in 4478.545268 secs (661426 bytes/sec)
It took 74 minutes

Installing Octoprint

The disk image did not work. The ACT (green) LED was on but not blinking.
I downloaded the image to Win7 and downloaded the Win32ImageWriter app. It transferred the image at ~3.4MB/s, at least 3 times faster than the Mac.
Plugged in keyboard, wifi adapter, HDMI cable. Enabled the Raspberry to use the entire 16GB disk.
I downloaded and installed the 'devel' version of Octoprint:
Current settings:
Installing octoprint for os x catalina

Installing Octoprint For Os X Catalina

Installing Octoprint For Os X Download

Installing Octoprint For Os Xenon

Installing Octoprint For Os X Windows 10

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