Cubase is a digital music production application. Steinberg Gmbh first developed the software in 1989 for Atari Computers, before moving to Windows and Macintosh systems in the early 1990s. A valid license is necessary in order to run any Cubase programs on your computer. Obtaining a license is possible through Steinberg's Cubase website, and all you will need is the activation code that is on the box or email that was supplied when the software was purchased.
Locate the activation code. If you bought your copy of Cubase in a box, the activation code will be printed on the 'Essential Product License Information' sheet inside the product’s box. If you downloaded Cubase from Steinberg's online shop, the activation code can be found in the confirmation email you received when you purchased.

Go to Steinberg's 'Product Activation' website (see Resources). There are two different processes for licensing your software, depending upon which version you have. If you have Cubase LE, Cubase AI and WaveLab LE, each Sequel Content Set or the boxed retail software products Sequel and WaveLab Elements, you'll need to go through a slightly different process involving the Soft-eLicenser rather than the USB-eLicenser.
7/10 (1210 votes) - Download Cubase Free. Cubase Pro is a great program to edit audio on a PC focused on musical artists, sound producers and audio engineers at the highest professional levels. Whether you're a professional in the world of music or you just like to mix your music from your home.
No valid License found. The program will quit now. و در پایین این پیام دوتا دکمه داره. یکیش ok هست که بزنی همهچی بسته و تموم میشه. دکمه دیگه هم اینه: Start license activation. چیکار باید بکنم. I purchased the full version of Cubase 7. Everything was working fine until I got a message 'no valid license found. The program will quit now.' I went to my elicense control center and the software was not listed. After updating using the elicenser. من نرم افزار رو با توجه به راهنما نصب کردم اما بعد اجرا با پیام no valid license found.the program will quit now مواجه میشم. چند بار نصب کردم اما بازم نشد ممنون میشم کمک کنید.
Download the eLicenser Control Center (eLCC) for your operating system. Once download is complete, launch the eLCC installer and follow the instructions to install.

Launch the eLCC once installation is complete. To do so, click 'Start menu,' 'Programs,' then 'eLicenser' on a Windows PC, or find 'eLicenser' in the 'Applications' folder of Mac OS X.
Click 'Enter Activation Code' and enter the activation code in the field provided. This will download the license. Follow the instructions onscreen to complete the download and activation of the license. According to Steinberg's website, 'Activation of the license requires that at least one USB-eLicenser is connected to a USB port on your computer and that it is identified by the operating system. In this case, the 'eLicensers' list should display at least one USB-eLicenser.'
If you have Cubase LE, Cubase AI and WaveLab LE, each Sequel Content Set or the boxed retail software products Sequel and WaveLab Elements, the license will download to your Soft-eLicenser instead of the USB-eLicenser, but the process remains identical.
According to the Steinberg website: 'A few Steinberg products (Cubase AI, Cubase LE and WaveLab LE) have a time-limited license which is generated during the installation process, in which case you may request an Activation Code for a permanent license via our online registration system MySteinberg.' See Resources for a link to the online registration system.
Writer Bio
Jesse Strickland has been a professional writer since 2001. He has experience writing for websites, magazines, newspapers, television and schools on subjects including music, beauty and digital products. His work has appeared in 'Shuffle Magazine,' 'Creative Loafing,' 'Independent Weekly' and at and Strickland has a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of North Carolina, Charlotte.
Happy New Year everyone,
I'm trying to get VH working for a reasonably recent version of Cubase (10.5 Pro) so that I dont have to faff about with the dongle and/or can run Cubase remotely.
I have VH installed OK and running on my (Windows10 64bit) server, and the e-licencer dongle plugged in OK. And I have the VH client installed and running OK on the Macbook Pro where Cubase 10.5 Pro is installed.
The VH client can see the server OK on TCP7575, no prob there. And the VH server can see 2 *other* USB devices ( a basic USB sound device, and an external USB disk) OK but it *can'* see the e-licencer OK it seems, and so obviously Cubase on the client fails to start (with its usual 'no valid licence found' dialog) as (from Cubase's perspective) there is no USB dongle available with a valid licence.
I checked the VH USB server logs for both scenarios when I have the e-licencer physically plugged into the Windows server machine, and also when it is not plugged in.
Cubase Ai No Valid License Found
Here's the different log output:

*** e-licencer connected ***
2021-01-01 11:43:16 INFO :>>> Starting VirtualHere USB Server v4.2.0 (Built: Jul 27 2020, 11:39:23)<<<
2021-01-01 11:43:16 INFO :Using configuration F:softwareApplicationsVirtualhere-USB-over-network2021-01-01config.ini
2021-01-01 11:43:16 INFO :Server licensed to=unlicensed max_devices=1
2021-01-01 11:43:16 INFO :Listening on all network interfaces at TCP port 7575 (IPv6 dual-stack)
2021-01-01 11:43:26 ERROR :Calling CM_Get_DevNode_PropertyW (Address) failed for USBESTUBDEVICES0101, error CR_NO_SUCH_VALUE
2021-01-01 11:43:26 INFO :Found Full speed device [0d8c:013c] 'C-Media Electronics Inc. , USB PnP Sound Device' at address 2
2021-01-01 11:43:26 INFO :Found High speed device [152d:1337] 'jmicron, jmicron' at address 1
2021-01-01 11:43:38 INFO :fe80::14d2:e254:9b83:75c0 connected as connection 1
*** e-licencer not connected ***
2021-01-01 11:48:06 INFO :>>> Starting VirtualHere USB Server v4.2.0 (Built: Jul 27 2020, 11:39:23)<<<
2021-01-01 11:48:06 INFO :Using configuration F:softwareApplicationsVirtualhere-USB-over-network2021-01-01config.ini
2021-01-01 11:48:06 INFO :Server licensed to=unlicensed max_devices=1
2021-01-01 11:48:06 INFO :Listening on all network interfaces at TCP port 7575 (IPv6 dual-stack)
2021-01-01 11:48:06 INFO :Found Full speed device [0d8c:013c] 'C-Media Electronics Inc. , USB PnP Sound Device' at address 2
2021-01-01 11:48:06 INFO :Found High speed device [152d:1337] 'jmicron, jmicron' at address 1
2021-01-01 11:48:09 INFO :fe80::14d2:e254:9b83:75c0 connected as connection 1
Thus the only difference is the obvious error thrown when the EL *is* connected:
2021-01-01 11:43:26 ERROR :Calling CM_Get_DevNode_PropertyW (Address) failed for USBESTUBDEVICES0101, error CR_NO_SUCH_VALUE
No Valid License Found Cubase 7
How can I get the VH server to 'see' the device correctly and load it for use please?
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