What is Hacking and Cracking in Cybersecurity? Sometimes the definition of a word changes over the years. For example, the word “fun” today means to have a good time or engage in an enjoyable activity. But in the 17th century the word actually meant, “to cheat or hoax.”. Disadvantages of hacking that it can destroy the systems, software and data. In this situation, we should call it cracking. Cracking break into locked networks to destroy data or make the network unstable for those how are authorized to use the network with bad intent or for personal gain.
Advantages of Ethical Hacking | disadvantages of Ethical Hacking
This page covers advantages and disadvantages of Ethical Hacking and its basics.It mentions benefits or advantages of Ethical Hacking and drawbacks or disadvantages of Ethical Hacking.
What is Hacking and its types?
Hacking is the act of finding possible entry points which exist in a computer system or network and entering into one of these.Hacking is usually carried out to gain unauthorized access to a computer system or network for negative purposes such as to harm or ro stealthe sensitive information from the computer.
There are three types of hackers viz. white hat hacker, black hat hacker and gray hat hacker.
• White Hat Hacker: This hacker is known as security professional or security researcher.These hackers are employed by an organization. They are permitted to attack an organization to findvulnerabilities which an attacker might be able to exploit.
• Black Hat Hacker: This hacker is known as cracker. It is referred as bad guy.This hacker uses his/her knowledge for negative purposes.
• Gray Hat Hacker: This hacker type is intermediate between white hat hacker and black hat hacker.
Disadvantages Of Hacking And Cracking Definitions

What is Ethical Hacking?

The act of doing penetration testing, finding vulnerabilities to ensure the security of an organization's informationsystem is known as ethical hacking.Ethical hackers perform same activities of hackers but with owner'spermission. These professionals are part of cyber security company.They are employed by companies to perform hacking tasks.
The goal of ethical hacking in a company are as follows.
• To protect the systems from attackers.
• To ensure privacy of organization data.
• To eliminate any potential threat.
Following are the phases usually performed by ethical hackers in ethical hacking process.
• Reconnaissance• Foot-printing• Scanning• Gaining Access• Maintaining Access• Clearing Tracks• Reporting
Ethical hacking plays a key role in following.
• Providing security to important people or places• Protecting yourself from becoming a victim of hacking• Providing security to the common people who are not so aware ofthis such as banks, offices etc.• To decrease cyber attacks

Benefits or advantages of Ethical Hacking
Disadvantages Of Hacking And Cracking Definition Psychology
Following are the benefits or advantages of Ethical Hacking:
➨It helps to fight against cyber terrorism and to fight against national security breaches.
➨It helps to take preventive action against hackers.
➨It helps to build a system which prevents any kinds of penetration by hackers.
➨Ethical hacking offers security to banking and financial establishments.
➨It helps to identify and close the open holes in a computer system or network.
Drawbacks or disadvantages of Ethical Hacking
Following are the drawbacks or disadvantages of Ethical Hacking:
➨This may corrupt the files of an organization.
➨Ethical hacker might use information gained for malicious use.Hence trustful hackers are needed to have success in this system.
➨Hiring such professionals will increase cost to the company.
➨The technique can harm someone's privacy.
➨The system is illegal.
Disadvantages Of Hacking And Cracking Definition Pdf
Conclusion: In order to understand advantages of Ethical Hacking and disadvantages of Ethical Hacking one has to understand Ethical Hacking basics.

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